Sunday, December 7, 2008

My first gig...and more

During quiet time this morning, I prayed asking God to provide and open doors here in LA. A couple of hours later, out of nowhere, our publisher calls me inviting me to come to Santa Barbara with her to sing one song at a Christmas dinner where she would be performing as well. Four Churches united to make this event; the pastors loved Promissa's music. So I made some great contacts for Promissa to minister at those Churches in the near future and sold a bunch of Cd's. Yey!!!
Bible tells us:
For everyone who asks receives.... Luke 11:10a
...You do not have, because you do not ask. James 4:2b

I got the hint...and I'm not afraid to ask!



Heather Palacios said...

OK now THAT is some rockin' good faith. You go, leadHer. Make your mark for Him out there and don't forget to stay united with us....way over here!! Keep posting!!!!

Yoel said...

Thats is awesome. So happy for you sista. Keep the updates coming :)

Pris said...

Heather & Yoel, thanks for stopping by. Glad to be sharing this journey with you ;)