Thursday, November 29, 2007

Living life the "Ikea" way...

So I've never been too big on reading instructions. When putting anything together, I would just go for it. I would open the box, grab the instruction's manual and put it aside and then I would just try to figure out how to assemble. As you would imagine, many times I would end up very frustrated, not being able to accomplish my task and by that time too mentally tired to even think about reading any type of instructions. I would waste time, energy and effort and would accomplish nothing but a headache. This is why I would normally avoid having to put anything together...I just don't like reading instructions! It's such a drag!

Well, this week Ikea taught me a lesson. Helping out at Church for the set change this week, guess what happened...I was asked to put together a lamp that seemed like quite a challenge. Some had already tried to put it together, but it seemed like no one could quite get it right. Obviously, I saw this as a challenge and decided to go for it. Now, since I already knew how things usually end up when I don't read the instructions, this time I took the piece of paper, opened it and read it carefully. What a sense of accomplishment when I saw the lamp all put ME!!! Mind you, I had no headache once I was done... The next day, yesterday, I put together a set of 2 stools and 1 table. Later on I put together another table. All very easy tasks, why? Because I read the instructions. I allowed those who made the products instruct me on how to put them together.

This might mean nothing to you all, but to me it means a lot. It made me think of my life and the many times I've tried to live it my way...not following God's instructions. Sometimes reading them, but not wanting to follow, because it seems as such a drag or sometimes not even reading them at all. I would just think "I got this, I know how" and then I would end up frustrated, tired, disappointed and with a headache...many times, with a heartache.

Ikea taught me that if I let God guide me, if I carefully pay attention to His voice and to His word, I would succeed and would avoid many unnecessary setbacks. Ikea taught me that no one knows the product better than the one who made it, so who in a better position to guide on how to go about putting it together. Ikea taught me that if I stop trying to figure out my life on my own, and start paying close attention to God, my maker, and His steps to follow (whether those steps make sense to me or not) I will live a life of more accomplishments and less frustrations.

I encourage you to today to stop ignoring God's instructions and to start living life the "Ikea" way. I know I will....

Saturday, November 17, 2007

I will rejoice!

I was reading Habakkuk chapter 3 this morning and the last 3 verses just stayed in my head.
17 Though the fig tree does not bud
and there are no grapes on the vine,
though the olive crop fails
and the fields produce no food,
though there are no sheep in the pen
and no cattle in the stalls,

This is the best part

Yet I will rejoice in the Lord,
I will be joyful in God my Savior.

The Sovereign Lord is my strength;
He makes my feet like the feet of a deer,
He enables me to go on the heights.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Rejected or protected?

My Sister Milca met with a couple today. They are the pastors of one of the Churches where Promissa will minister in Boston this coming Sunday. The three of them met for hours, Milca sharing our vision and them sharing theirs. One of the things they shared was the testimony of how God had granted them a great blessing: acres and acres of land for them to build a huge building for their Church. The story impacted me in a very personal way. They shared that they were able to get this great amount of land for only $500,000 dollars, which is hard to believe for the Boston area. Then they went on explaining that the reason why all that land only cost them this much was because the land had been rejected. No one wanted it, no one was interested in it, no one found it appealing, including my Sister Milca to whom the couple showed the pictures of what the land looked like when they bought it. The land had been neglected by so many and that was great, because this people were the ones meant to have it. They did not reject it nor did they find that it wasn't what they wanted, instead, they saw what God had saved just for them. Everybody else needed to be blind, in order for them not to take this blessing away from the ones it was meant for.

As I heard the story tears started coming down my face. Could it be that many times we are like that land? This could be in any area of our lives or any situation. In my case, the area of relationships...the love department. How many times have I felt sorry for myself for not having that someone, "the one", that significant other. How many times, when I've been interested in someone, but the feeling is not reciprocal, have I wondered "why God, what's so wrong with me?" How many times have I felt rejected, unwanted, unappealing, just because the one I see as a great catch does not see the same in me or feel the same way about me? But could it be that all that time they only saw what God had allowed them to see? Could it be that those eyes were never supposed to see the jewel that I am, because they weren't the ones meant to? So, then It's not even that I'm not appealing or special, it's not even their fault that they can't see; it's just that they have not been the ones meant to see.

God knew the plans He had with this land, he kept it away from other people, He kept it safe for the right time and the right owners who would use it for the purpose which God had intended. God knows the plans that He's got for me. He has kept me away and safe from the wrong guys, from the wrong husband. He has blinded some guys who I wished had seen me, who I wished had loved me...all because He's saving me for the one who I was meant for. That one will value me and see me as the precious jewel that I am and not only that, but he will also love me.

Man, I've question God so many times. I have felt not good enough, not pretty, I have been upset about not being loved by the one I've loved, but should I be grateful instead? Grateful that the wrong guys have been blinded, so that one day the right guy can find me and then God's purpose can be fulfilled? Instead of feeling rejected, shouldn't I feel protected? Shouldn't I feel special...I should...I do.

Thank you God, for protecting me time and time again. Thank you from keeping me safe from the wrong guys. I pray that you keep on blinding them, until my Prince comes my way.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Days like these....

Have you heard the phrase "practice what you preach"? I'm sure you have. Well, it's my turn now. I've been telling myself all day "practice what you preach Priscilla!" But why is it so difficult sometimes? Why is encouraging others a much easier task than encouraging myself? I don't know.

I mean, I know my God, I know from experience that He's my guiding light...yet sometimes I feel so lost. I know from experience that He's my provider...yet sometimes I get so anxious about my needs. I know from experience that He's always by my side...yet sometimes I feel so lonely. I know from experience that His timing is ALWAYS perfect...yet sometimes I just get tired of waiting. I know from experience that in Him, I can do all things because He's my strength...yet some days life seems extremely overwhelming and, at times, even scary. Is this human nature? Does everyone, or better yet, does every Christian face these challenges or am I dropping the ball somewhere? I'm not very sure.

I just wish that on days like these, I could do a better job at trusting, believing and resting. I wish I would live up to my words, but God knows why sometimes I don't. Maybe it's a way for me to understand when others struggle. Maybe it's a way for me to overcome my emotions and to go, not by what I feel, but by His promises.

Loving Father and Creator, today I choose to look at you, to trust you with all my needs, to long for your presence only, to wait on you, to believe I can...beyond what my eyes may see.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Back home...after all that...

It all started on Thursday for me, when I was handed 1000 Cd's at the reproduction lab. My mission was to fit into my bags as many Cd's as possible, since there was no time to ship them by ground and no money to ship them overnight. It was a mission alright, but after a lot of packing and unpacking, changing bags and rearranging, four bags were finally packed. Inside, a couple of outfits and 500 Cd's. In case you're wondering, yes, I did have to pay some funky fees due to the excess luggage and overweight (Spirit Airlines don't play man), but the job was done. We were all in Boston by and the Cd's, that is.
Friday morning came very quickly and we (Promissa) were on our way. First was the recording of the Liz Walker Show, Sundays with Liz Walker, which went great.

Then, we were headed to Worcester to perform at a High School. What an experience this was! We felt so honored to see how God had placed us in front of all this kids, giving us the opportunity to influence them and make a difference in their lives. It's truly amazing what God's grace can do. We all really enjoyed the experience...those kids were awesome.

The women's retreat on Saturday was amazing. There were two different seminars prepared, one for the young girls and another one for the adult women. God allowed Promissa to minister to both groups. The cool thing about it was
that God also brought us there to be ministered...and boy did we need it. Over 800 women united with one purpose, the purpose of worshiping our!
Sunday was the busiest day. It was Nueva Vida Church (East Boston) in the morning, NGC Church (Providence) in the afternoon and Vida Real Church (Sommerville) at night. The people were great, they embraced our music and made us feel really welcomed. We also got to see some old friends along the way, which was also nice.

You know, these weekends tend to be very crazy and intense, since everything is pretty much non-stop. Today we are very tired, however, the satisfaction in our hearts is even greater. To know that we have accomplished the mission once again, to see God's promise continue to come true, to have the honor of becoming an instrument for God to touch those in need....all this is priceless and way worth the effort.

Thank you all for your prayers. We can't wait to do it again!!!!
Much love...