Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Days like these....

Have you heard the phrase "practice what you preach"? I'm sure you have. Well, it's my turn now. I've been telling myself all day "practice what you preach Priscilla!" But why is it so difficult sometimes? Why is encouraging others a much easier task than encouraging myself? I don't know.

I mean, I know my God, I know from experience that He's my guiding light...yet sometimes I feel so lost. I know from experience that He's my provider...yet sometimes I get so anxious about my needs. I know from experience that He's always by my side...yet sometimes I feel so lonely. I know from experience that His timing is ALWAYS perfect...yet sometimes I just get tired of waiting. I know from experience that in Him, I can do all things because He's my strength...yet some days life seems extremely overwhelming and, at times, even scary. Is this human nature? Does everyone, or better yet, does every Christian face these challenges or am I dropping the ball somewhere? I'm not very sure.

I just wish that on days like these, I could do a better job at trusting, believing and resting. I wish I would live up to my words, but God knows why sometimes I don't. Maybe it's a way for me to understand when others struggle. Maybe it's a way for me to overcome my emotions and to go, not by what I feel, but by His promises.

Loving Father and Creator, today I choose to look at you, to trust you with all my needs, to long for your presence only, to wait on you, to believe I can...beyond what my eyes may see.

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