Monday, December 29, 2008

The surprises keep on coming...

I'm 33 ( I thought I was 26) and still getting to know myself. It's like life is some kind of self-discovery journey, surprising you at every turn with something new, something you didn't know about yourself, sometimes good and sometimes something not so good. It's actually pretty interesting.
God doesn't waste any opportunity. He uses every situation, every scenario, every season to teach us something valuable. That's why we believe what His word says, that everything works for the best to those who love Him.

It's awesome to know that we don't walk this journey alone. Every step, every discovery (good or bad) makes us grow and every time God's love is evident.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Just writing...

Today I'm just writing. No life lesson, no word of encouragement, no big revelation...just writing. My head is cloudy and mixed emotions don't allow me to focus on just one thing to talk about. Why am I still writing? I don't know.
I'm thinking about relationships and how they can be so difficult and so beautiful at the same time. Thinking about family and how each member can be so different from the other and, at the same time, so connected to one another. I'm thinking about people loving each other and that love not being enough. I'm thinking about life's seasons and the sense of loss one feels when a season seems to have ended. I can't deny that life seems cruel at times, but it isn't. It just seems that way when our heart is hurting.
Lots of answers...just writing. It will all make sense one day...

Thursday, December 25, 2008

A Christmas story...

This morning was awesome. The kids loved every present and I loved just being part of that moment together with the rest of the family.

While Gabriel was opening his gifts, Tim (Milca's boyfriend) got all excited about a specific one. He noticed that Gabriel had gotten some type of remote control airplane, so he screamed "Oh man, that one's for me! I want to fly that one!" Of course, I laughed and proceeded to make the following statement "Men, they never grow up." As soon as I said that I looked down and noticed that I had a Barbie doll on my hands. At that moment I realized that I had been seating there, on the floor, and had been brushing Barbie's hair for a while without even noticing, because it was a natural instinct. We all laughed about the irony.

I guess we all have a kid inside. Best thing we can do is let it loose once in a while...and be totally OK when others decide to do the same ;)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas...make it special

When we were children, it was the job of our parents to make Christmas special for us. Some of us have gone though life thinking that it's still the job of someone else to make Christmas happy and beautiful for us, so anything that would not work out according to plan or according to our expectations, would suddenly screw up the season. The whole family cannot make it to dinner, that person you love is no longer part of your life, the economic situation has not allowed you to get presents for everyone and their mother, you find yourself far away from people you care about, the weather is not quite how you pictured it, (the list of scenarios goes on and on) any of these scenarios would take away my joy in Christmas.

This past Sunday, when I heard the pastor at Oasis talk about this, I realized that it was time to grow up in that area. You see, we're not kids anymore. I realized that, instead of expecting circumstances to be "right", in order to enjoy Christmas, it is my job to make this a special time, regardless of the scenario I find myself in. It was like I went from childhood to adulthood in a matter of seconds, when this made sense to me.

It's my turn to make Christmas special for me and those around me and I can hardly wait.

My Christmas wish to you? That you enjoy this time like never before. Have a GREAT Christmas...make it special. I know I will ;)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Consider yourself blessed...

It is no secret that I've been through ups and downs since I moved. There are days when I feel good and full of hopes and there are others when I feel sad, lonely and scared about this new life.
As I shared with dear friend that today was a good day, she rejoiced with me and then said "You'll have good days and bad days, but so did Jesus; Consider yourself blessed on both."
These words penetrated real deep in my heart. You see, nothing we go through is new to Jesus. He's been in our shoes and worse. There were days when He felt lonely and sad, but God the father was always there for Him and He's always there for us.
On the good days, I'm blessed because He has given me strength, grace and favor. On the "bad" days, I'm blessed because I call and He answers...He understands and comes to my rescue. So, from today on, I will indeed consider myself blessed on both.
Thanks friend...I'm also blessed to have you

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Celebrate with me...

I have no words to thank you all enough for your amazing support this past week. I was no nervous about speaking at that youth camp, but God's grace and all of you gave me the strength and the courage to get in front of 45 teenagers and young adults and just pour into them. Some of you called me, some text me, some e-mailed me and, most importantly, all of you told me "You can do this Pris, God will use you!" I can't thank you enough...

God backed me up, He did His thing. I spoke to them about us being born with a God given purpose and encouraged them to do whatever it takes to reach their potential. I also had the opportunity to have good one on one conversations with some of them, which was also a great thing. Oh, I even did my robot dance for them...they laughed ;)

45 kids and I don't know if I'll ever see any of them again...maybe, maybe not. I don't know if they'll remember me in 1, 5 or 10 years. What I do know is that I will remember them. I will always remember the day I got up in front of a group of kids for the first time to teach them. I will always remember that day when , instead of believing what my fears and insecurities were telling me, I chose to believe God's word that "I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13. And I will always remember how you guys were there for me.

Much love...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

I need you...seriously

I am nervous, anxious, scared, tense (the list goes on) about Saturday. I was invited to speak at a youth camp and, as the day gets closer, so do my insecurities. Will those kids really pay any attention to what I'll be saying? Will they see how nervous I am? Will anything I say make any sense to them? What will I actually say to them? Ahhhh!!!!!

The crazy thing is that I know that this was an opportunity provided by God himself, so I know that He will do His thing. It's just that, you know, I'm HUMAN and I just want to hide under a blanket, inside a closet, inside a room with no windows!!

Man, I only wonder what Moses must have felt like, or Joshua, when it was his turn to lead. I guess this feeling is normal and even OK, as long as I don't let it keep me from what God wants to do in me and through me. I guess it's time for me to "be strong and courageous!" It's time for me to rest in the promise that "the Lord my God is with me wherever I go" (Joshua 1:9b)

God, I can't do this on my own, I don't intend to. Just do your thing and help me not get in the way. This is your gig...

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Update on gig #2...and #3

Well guys, it's been a week! One week and two days, to be exact. I have to admit that it feels way longer than that, but we wont get into that. Let's focus!

OK, so you know about gig #1, which was the Christmas dinner last Saturday. Here's the scoop on Gig #2. Yesterday, Cynthia called a pastor from Corona, CA (a friend had given us his info) and left him a message telling him that we (Promissa) were all going to be in town the weekend of the 28Th and asked about the possibility of us ministering at his Church. Not long after, the pastor called back and asked "can you girls come and sing tomorrow?" Now, what do you think our response was to that?

Got up at 5am, got ready and drove an hour to Corona, CA. It was a blessing! We sang at both services, sold Cd's and were blessed with a love offering. How's that for a last minute phone call? God is good, good, good!

What about gig #3? After services, the pastor and his lovely wife took Cynthia and I to lunch. Out of nowhere, the wife asked me "do you preach?" I told her that we normally bring a word as well when we're invited to minister and are given the right amount of time. She proceeded to invite me to speak at a youth camp next Saturday morning. What?!! Me?!! God, are you sure? I figured that if God is going to use us and take us to a higher level, there will be steps to climb, fears to overcome and moments when we'll just have to jump trusting that He will give us all we need to accomplish the task at hand. So, with all that in mind, I said "yes, I will be there!" I guess that's what happens when you pray for open doors ;)

Now, you all know what this means, right? It means that I'm counting on your prayers from now all the way to Saturday. What do you say?

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Created to worship Him...

Nothing else makes me feel more alive than singing to Him. Now, when the crowd joins in, that's like being in Heaven.

Priscilla - by Pamela Rose and the Gansta Girls

Friday, December 12, 2008

A great day...after all

Today was an interesting day and, although it had its ups and downs, it was a great day after all.

9:00 am - Attended my Niece's Christmas performance. It was my first time, so you can imagine how special it was for me.

10:30 am -Another case of "the blues." Missed being in control of my time, missed having a full agenda, missed singing at Church, missed my old space at my Parents place, missed all my get the idea.

2:45 pm - My phone was Lili. Her phone call was so much what I needed. We talked, she encouraged me, we laughed, we spirit was lifted.

5:00 pm - I was able to attend (via skype) a party that my friend Lacy had at her place. It was so cool. I saw a few of my friends (remember how much I was missing them earlier?) and just mingled at the party from here. Don't you love technology? Even more than that, don't you love God's precious gift of friendship? I know I do. God used my friends today to lift me up. He used them to bring a big smile to my face. Thanks Lacy, Lili, Vaughn, Rita, Karlene, Willy, Danny P, Carlos, Michelle, Cristian, Rebecca. It was awesome chatting, dancing, laughing with you all tonight.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

God, you're my HERO...

When I'm helpless, You're powerful
When I'm frustrated, You're in control
When I doubt, You prove me wrong

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

To think about...

“The victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of setting goals and achieving them. Even the most tedious chore will become endurable as you parade through each day convinced that every task, no matter how menial or boring, brings you closer to fulfilling your dreams.” ~Og Mandino

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Today I...

-Woke up early and made breakfast for my niece (Camila) and nephew (Gabriel)
-Had a good workout at the gym
-Received a couple of very special e-mails and texts from loved ones, which were filled with much needed encouragement.
-Had bonding time with Camila by allowing her to do my make up (scary, but nice)
-Totally messed up my hair color...need to fix tomorrow (was aiming for a chocolate tone...don't ask me what I got)
-Had a healthy dinner
-Brainstormed with Milca about a plan of attack for Promissa
-Thanked God for blessing me with so many people that truly love and support me.

It was a good day...

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The blues...or the greens

Yeap...Today I've got the blues. I miss what I know, what feels comfortable, predictable, safe. I miss my parents, my friends, my Church. I miss my circle, my comfort zone.

Funny how God brings us out of what we know to show us things that we wouldn't see otherwise. He makes us uncomfortable to get us to step out and truly experience trusting Him. He's got some weird ways of working in our lives to get us to reach our potential, but the result is always worth it. Knowing that this journey will make me stronger, wiser, better in every level, makes my blues turn green. Green because it makes me hopeful. Hope inspires my faith and faith keeps me going...even on days like this.

My first gig...and more

During quiet time this morning, I prayed asking God to provide and open doors here in LA. A couple of hours later, out of nowhere, our publisher calls me inviting me to come to Santa Barbara with her to sing one song at a Christmas dinner where she would be performing as well. Four Churches united to make this event; the pastors loved Promissa's music. So I made some great contacts for Promissa to minister at those Churches in the near future and sold a bunch of Cd's. Yey!!!
Bible tells us:
For everyone who asks receives.... Luke 11:10a
...You do not have, because you do not ask. James 4:2b

I got the hint...and I'm not afraid to ask!


Friday, December 5, 2008

My first earthquake...

I haven't even been in LA for 12 hours and I have already experienced my first earthquake. Not big, but strong enough for me to feel it, panic and look at my sister with "I want my Mom" eyes.
There you have it folks...I told you I would keep you updated on things ;)

A reminder to....

This is it! My new journey started at 12:35pm (West coast) today, as I landed in LA. My whole trip had God's favor written all over it. From my bags not being overweight (miracle), to the front desk guy waving the $15 luggage charge (just because), to my connecting flight gate being right next door (which doesn't normally happen when I have a connection in Atlanta). I saw it in a nice phone call from a dear friend right before I boarded, in the nice people I sat next to on both planes and in the smooth ride all the way here.

Once home, as I started to unpack, this was the first thing I saw. A reminder to inspire, live loud, breathe, walk, run, finish, and a reminder to pour out knowing that He will pour in. I received this as a gift last January on my birthday and, though I loved it then, it never spoke to me as much as it did today. It was a good reminder of what I came here for, of what I came here to do. I wont forget it.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

A new journey...

Tomorrow at 8am a plane takes off and I will be in it. It will bring me to a new chapter, a new adventure, a new journey. My address will change, the weather, my space, the people that surround life will change tomorrow. As a daughter of God, the creator of the universe, I can be totally sure of one thing, His favor goes before me. My knees are shaking, my heart is pounding but that wont stop me, because I know He'll get me through. I don't know what the future holds, but I know the one who holds the future and He's walking by my side.

Tomorrow at 8am a plane takes off and I will be in it, but I wont be alone; all of you will be coming with me. This is OUR journey...and it will be a great one.

Monday, December 1, 2008

To think about...

As you start or continue your Gift Revolution keep this in mind ;)

Kindness makes a fellow feel good, whether it’s being done to him or by him.

-Frank A. Clark

He's going to kill me :o!

Hair o no hair? what do you say folks?