Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Self worth...

We all know where we should find it or, better yet, in whom we should find it. But do we really?
Many times I don't. I need to keep reminding myself that my worth comes from being His child, His creation, His loved one. No matter what the world says, no matter what my own standards say, knowing that He calls me His own gives me value...we're talking about the Creator of heaven and earth here. Think about it...


lili said...

for so many years, i placed my self-worth on the wrong people or person. Its not until you unravel God's heart & love that you begin to see yourself as HE sees you. If only we knew that early on :)

great post...lili

Pris said...

Lili - Miss you, friend

Paola said...

thank you for your comment on my blog :)

i like this post... it's a good reminder of what makes us so special... we are His... and that... is priceless...

lili said...

miss you too...more than you know. WE, the crew, miss you!!!!