Saturday, February 28, 2009

The learning continues...

I've woken up to the sound of birds having a concert by my window. I've woken up to the sound of a rooster announcing that the morning has arrived. I've woken up to the annoying sound of leaf blowers on a Saturday. I've even woken to the sound of a truck picking up the trash in the neighborhood. But today? Today was a whole different I woke up to bad news.
Both my Sister and her husband came into my room at around 5:30 am with a very concern look on their faces. They proceeded to tell me that my car, yes, the one I was so excited to have finally been able to bring to had been hit by a drunk driver (messing up the back) and pushed right into my brother in law's truck (messing up the front). This was the first time something like this happened to me, so, after the initial shock and the one eye inspection outside (since half of my brain was still asleep), I went back to bed with question after question: Why did this happen? Why did God allow me to spend $750 dollars to bring my car not even 3 weeks ago, if this was going to happen? Why, if I was so happy to finally have my own transportation here in LA?
The questions went on for a while, bringing with them anxiety, sadness and even anger toward the horrible person that did this...I was mad! Then I started thinking (I guess the other half of the brain had woken up) that God is too good to have me go through this just for His amusement, too loving to want to see me worried, to smart to not have a plan in this situation and too faithful to not come through for me. It hit me, "God, what do you want to teach me? me see it."
So, what have I learned about on the first day of this adventure? 1-Mercy. I went from being mad and calling this guy every single name on the book (in my head) to asking myself "is this the neighbor the Bible tells me to love?" Oh man!...I guess so. It took me most of the day, but I finally gave in to the nudge and prayed for him. For God to set him free before something even worse happens to him or to somebody else because of him. 2-Gratitude. I could have been in my car when this happened and I could have gotten hurt. But that didn't happen. God kept me safe and I'm grateful.
God will indeed come through. Nothing happens to His little ones without a purpose and an opportunity for us to become more like Him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great discernment. What a message. What a lesson! Your true colors as I've known you.\