Monday, February 23, 2009

Magnify Him...


1. To increase the apparent size of, as a lens does.
2. To make greater in actual size.
3. To cause to seem greater or more important.

This word blew me away at Oasis yesterday. Right before the third service, we were asked "Is there anything in your life today that seems too big? Is God bigger than that? With these questions we (the choir) were urged to magnify God, to make Him bigger than our circumstances, bigger than our mountain and to worship Him with everything that was inside of us, making that mountain seem totally insignificant compared to our greater than all God. Man, that made all the difference.

Is there something in your life that seems too great, something that's bigger than you? Magnify God and His presence will make all the difference...I dare you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...