Wednesday, February 4, 2009


As the earth falls asleep in your hands tonight, help me rest knowing who I am in you. Help me remember that in your presence, everything else becomes small. The mountains, the worries, the challenges, my limitations and fears...they all turn to nothing when I stand before you. So as I sleep, can you whisper in my ear one more time how much you love me? Call me needy, but I'm proud to proclaim how much I need you...your love is what keeps me breathing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Como siempre te digo, los planes que Dios tiene con tu vida son perfectos.Es hora de que tomes posesión de lo que Él te ha dado.
Permite que esta palabra no solo puedas leerla; sino que medites en ella hasta que sea revelada a tu espiritu.
Te amo,