Monday, October 8, 2007

Be matter what

Not everyone will understand you...that's OK. Even if you're likable, no everyone will like you and that's OK. When you mean well, there might be someone misjudging you...that's OK. Not every time you love you will get love in return and, though it hurts, that's OK. When you do your best, not everyone will be satisfied and again...that's OK.
The thing is, we will never be able to please everyone around us. Each head is a different world and it would be very exhausting to try to keep everyone happy. Instead of forgetting who we really are, by getting lost in the unreachable mission of pleasing everybody or fitting in, let's make the choice to be ourselves, real and genuine. Those who now don't get you someday will and if they don't....that's OK, because the one whose heart we need to please is already smiling.


Jenny said...

Amen to that. God Bless. JR

Danisa said...

You should have added the Real Me song, by YOU!