Wednesday, July 16, 2008

To blog or not to blog...that is the question

I don't know if this happens to you, but it sure happens to me. Sometimes I feel that, as a leader, my blog should always inspire, encourage, uplift and so on. However, not everyday do I find a spiritual lesson to share with you guys or a word to encourage, not everyday do I feel positive, not everyday do I feel like I'm on top of the world. Those days, even though I want to blog, I just don't...I feel like I have nothing to give. But tonight I was thinking, there's no requirement, there's no outline to follow, there's no need to be up all the time or to have a life changing post for the world to read. I can just be naked, truthful, transparent, honest...I can just be me. I'm sure that those days when my brain can't come up with something amazing to blog about, but I still make myself available for God to use me...He does. So, my dear reader, even if this post was not life changing for you, it was for me. I feel encouraged to keep on giving, even when I don't really feel like I have much say...I'll leave the life changing part to God...He's good at that.

On that note, I'm going to sleep :)


SmilingSally said...

Come visit my blog and decide to join the mission statement tour! There are over 50 people already on this tour, and it's a neat way to help you define what you want your blog to be about.

lili said...

you are inspiring even when you dont mean to be...and in those days when I too feel I have nothing to give, my Father surprises me...all you need is a willing heart =)


Heather Palacios said...

a veces, the simple cosas dicen the most!