Tuesday, June 3, 2008

For we are God's Masterpiece...

Ephesians 3:10

Hard to believe at times...when you feel that there's so much that's wrong with you.

I'm God's Masterpiece? This means He sees value in me! He protects me! He's proud of His creation!

We struggle so much to please imperfect people, to be liked, accepted, to be loved by imperfect people. I hits us so hard when we fail at the task or when we lack this acceptance. Yet, all this time, the most perfect Being stares at us and admires His creation. How can that and only that not be enough for us to feel like we own the world!

I'm God's Masterpiece! That's pretty cool...

1 comment:

lili said...

thanks for the reminder amiga...no one could ever love us like the Father. His unconditional love is what carries me, shapes me & gives me Hope. -L