Thursday, July 16, 2009

We are in good hands...

When I don't get me, when I can't figure myself out, when I'm confused by my own reasoning, when so much around me seems uncertain....Whew! I find joy in knowing that He gets me! He knows me better than I know myself! He has a clear vision for my life and directs every single step I take allowing me to walk in the divine protection of His will and purpose! When life gets overwhelming, I can confidently say "I know in whom I trust!...the God that's greater than ALL. He's got me!"
He's got you too...we're in good hands ;)


Heather Palacios said...

On God's Blackberry for you, He holds the stylus and He has every day filled out for you...and me. All we have to do is check in on His calendar everyday and do what He's already had planned.

lili said...

needed this post today...thnks for the sweet reminder. it was good to hear ur voice :)