Friday, January 18, 2008


Imagine yourself walking around with a sign on your forehead that reads "damaged". People would probably stay away, right? Well, we might not walk around with a sign on our foreheads announcing this Truth to the world, but in reality, we're all somehow damaged. We've all been affected by past experiences and those have made us who we are today.

Now, what do we do when we go to a store and pick up an item, but suddenly notice that it's been damaged? Normally we just put it back, right? I mean, why would we want to invest money on something that's been damaged? Man, we do life with other damaged human beings, whether at work or in a relationship, hoping that they would not notice our condition, because we fear rejection...we don't want to be an item put back on the shelf, so we try to hide what's wrong with us. To think that those we fear rejection from are just as damaged as we are...pretty crazy.

It's such a relief to know that God's love is unconditional, that He takes us as we are, that we don't need to impress Him or pretend to have it all together. It's such a relief to know that His arms are always open to embrace us and He would never reject us. His love is greater than our damage....and for someone as damaged as me, that's a great thing.

1 comment:

@heredes said...

Just a quick hello from your friend at
