Wednesday, February 9, 2011

To think about...

We're learning this new song to sing at Oasis this weekend. One of the lines reads "I'm running after you." As I'm seating here, I can't help to think how in order for us to run after something we actually have to leave something or some things behind and how, if we want to get somewhere, we have to be OK with that.
What does that look like in life, Pris? Well, those things could be our past hurts, our bad habits, our doubts, fears, broken dreams, disappointments, mistakes...the list goes on. So much could hold us back. So much could keep us stuck or walking slow, because we can't seem to find a way to let go.
Bottom line is, we can't get to a new place if we don't leave the old place behind. Make sense?

Just sharing...



Unknown said...

Hi Pris,

This post of yours got my attention as I am experiencing something that I want to leave behind but I'm really having a hard time dealing on how am I going to do that if that things has been part of me...

Yeah, your right on saying "we can't get to a new place if we don't leave the old place behind. Make sense?" but still its so hard.


Votive Candles | Office 2010 | Floating Candles

Pris said...

I agree with you John, it's hard. It's been hard for me too, in many different areas. Where I find comfort is in knowing that I can go to God for strength. On our own, we have no hope, but with Him all things are possible.
He's helped me - He'll help you ;)
