Thursday, April 24, 2008

Walk the turn

How many times have I encouraged someone with the words "trust, God is in control. He's taking care of you"? I will say, many times. Every single time I have meant those words, because I have been totally sure that God will come through for that person. Well, I guess we all come to a point in our lives where we must truly believe those words for ourselves, that point where we get the opportunity to walk the talk. This, at times, can become quite challenging, which is why that phrase "easier said than done" is so famous.

You decide to visit the dermatologist to get something checked out. Dr. comes in, checks out the side of your face, pokes your cheek a couple of times, mumbles few words and then leaves the room. He comes back in with another Dr. to get her reaction. Then you hear them say the words biopsy, possible cyst or infection and then the complete world comes to a stop when you hear them scream to the top of their lungs the words SKIN CANCER!!!!!!. Needless to say, they did not scream the words, they actually just mumbled them, but I heard them...and it freaked me out.

Both Dr's leave the room, then your Dr. comes back in and tells you that he has decided to refer you to another Dr. who he usually sends his strangest cases to...WHAT?...HELLO!!!!!! I mean, would you have freaked out at this point as well or am I just SENSITIVE??? Then the Dr. kind of freaks out himself when he finds out that you are a "self-pay patient" with no insurance. He clearly tells you that he is concerned and that he wants you to go get a second opinion from someone he completely trusts. You get a referral, get an appointment at the "weird cases Dr. office" and off you go, knowing that you have to be in limbo for a whole week, because there was nothing available sooner than that.

Time to walk the talk folks. Time to walk in faith, believing that all things work together for good to those who love the Lord.

As I wait (one of the hardest things for us humans), I will hold on to those words I have so often shared with others. I know that I have your prayers to count on as well.

Will keep you posted....

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