Tuesday, December 11, 2007


How many times do we suffer unbearably, because somebody does not give us what we think they ought to give us, when really they have no perception at all that we even need that?
How many times do we feel rejected by those around us, just because they don't respond to a situation the same way we would?
How many times do we hurt, feeling unloved, when those around us are only trying to love on us to the best of their abilities, but our blinded eyes cannot see this and our wounded hearts cannot feet it?

I've started listening to a series called "The root of rejection" by Joyce Meyer, and it's so sad to hear how many people around us are affected by this. It's even sadder to have to admit that I'm one of them. This is one of the enemy's favorite attack against God's people. Great, however, it is to know that we do not need to continue to live life this way. Great is to know that we serve a powerful God who wants us to live life victoriously and in His Word we find the medicine to our wounded hearts.
Our responsibility? To do our best we can to get to emotional freedom by studying the Word, reading helpful books, listening to series such as this one and trusting God with our hearts.
God's responsibility? To do the rest...nothing is impossible for Him, remember?

1 comment:

Heather Palacios said...

My biggest fear is rejection. Oh, if only people knew! Would love to hear Joyce Meyer's series on this too.