Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Walk the turn (part II)

So, I went to the weird cases specialist and he looked at the side of my face. I sat there wondering "what is this guy going to say to me?" He was calm, very serene. Asked a few questions, and proceeded to say "it's a cyst...I think it needs to come out." I can't deny, there was some sense of relief in my mind after he made that statement, because he never mentioned the C word. That itself was a good thing. I'm not very proud to admit, however, that the sense of relief did not last very long. I started to thing about the fact that now I have to get my face cut. What if I get a big scar? What if something goes wrong and the guy cuts out more than what's actually necessary? Ahh!!! Scarface? Funny, well, it's sad we always manage to find something to worry about, something that steals our joy. I get so frustrated with myself when I realize my lack of trust in my Creator...must be so offensive to Him. I'm just glad He's so patient with me.

Anyway, the deal is that my dermatologist does not want to do the procedure, because it's on my face, so he has referred me to a plastic surgeon (thrid Dr. involved in my face drama). I'm going to see this guy tomorrow, so let's see what comes out of that appointment.

Check back in for updates!!!

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