Hi, my name is Priscilla and I'm a Precisionist. (This is the part where you all shout "Hi Priscilla!")
During one of the membership classes at Oasis, we were offered the opportunity to take the DISC personality profile. I got my results in the mail and read them last night. It was so interesting to read a detailed breakdown of, well, me! Unlike other times when I've taken other personality assessments (as attempts to figure myself out), this results did not leave me wanting to be somebody else. Although the breakdown includes a number of areas in which I need to improve, its all presented in a way that makes it easy to understand, accept and potentially improve.
Some of my good characteristics:
Reliable, dependable, analytical (not to an extreme though), Loyal, compliant, calculated risk taker, careful (very), common sense
Some of my challenging areas:
Resist change (not when it comes to my hair ;), too predictable (not when it comes to my hair), Hold a grudge (working on that...life's too short to be bitter), sensitive to criticism (more than I would like to be...but improving)
It was so cool to read about this. I understand myself and the way I react to things a lot more. At the same time, I accept myself, the good and the bad, a lot more. Before last night, I guess I just focused too much on my bad qualities and how much I hated them that I couldn't see and embrace the great qualities that I do possess. It's so great to discover that I'm actually, how can I put it...AWESOME! It's a pretty cool feeling to like me :)
OMGOSH this is awesome id love to take one of these. How did you do it? WHere? Details?!
Allison - I did it through the Church. It's actually included in one of the membership classes.
I'm almost sure that the FRC staff did this a while back. Ask Heather is she knows of a way for you to do it. I'm sure you'll discover great things ;)
that is pretty cool stuff! only I wouldn't say that being "too predictable" is a bad thing or even a challenging area to be improved on... i think people who are predictable are so because they are people of truth and love, and they always respond in that way... you should consider that another AWESOME quality :)
The good ole' DISC survey. Another great one is the breyer-meiggs analysis. It is VERY telling. It got ALL my poopy tendencies ALL right! :)
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