Yesterday, after the 1st service, some on the Magteam members came out to the lobby to shake a few hands and greet some people. A lot of people where coming out of the auditorium and, since I felt like I was blocking their way, I moved over and stood next to a woman that seemed to be waiting for someone. I looked at her, smiled and asked her "how are you today?" and she answered, very surprised, "good, thank you for asking!" Since I'm shy, I wanted to leave it at that, however I was still standing there and so was she, so I proceeded to ask "did you just come out of service or are you waiting to come in?" She looked at me, like if I had rescued her and said "I don't even know what to do or where to go! This is my first time here and my first time at a Church like this...I'm catholic." She told me how she's a very shy person and was just standing there wondering what to do. I told her I would stand with her until she could come inside...she smiled. After introducing her to worship pastors V and R, talking about our countries and her sharing what brought her to FRC, we went on to start the service. We told her we would meet her again after, so she could tell us about her experience.
Service done and there we where. She came up to me and told me how she loved worship and the overall experience and then THE WORDS came out of her mouth "I will definitely be back again."
Only God knows this lady's needs, only He knows what truly grabbed her. I know, however, that it all started with a smile...and then God took it from there. I think that's pretty cool, don't you?
I LOVE stories like this one! I always tell my greeters, you never know when God is going to use you to make a difference in His Kingdom! We just have to keep our eyes open for the opportunities He gives us to be a part of what He's up to.
April, thanks for reading! I'll tell you, the whole thing made my day on Sunday. I think I'll be at the lobby more often now :)
And just think of how many you've touched and will never know the effects!
Sara, you are so right. What an honor we've been given! Thanks for stopping by :)
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