A couple of weeks ago, my car started developing a weird, yet annoying noise. I started worrying, wondering how much money my mechanic was going to charge for fixing whatever was wrong with it. However, I didn't tell anyone, didn't call my mechanic, didn't do anything, all because I was afraid it was going to be a mayor problem and I was not going to have the money to fix it. Each day my car was more uncomfortable to drive and the noise got louder and louder. "Man, if I could afford it! It's probably the transmission or something big like that. God help me" I would say to myself.
Well, today I asked my Mom to go somewhere with me and, as I started driving, she heard it. She heard and said "Priscilla, you need some steering oil in your car, honey!" I laughed and said "what are you a mechanic now?", but she was sure. We went to Walgreen's, she picked up a bottle of steering oil, she even asked me to open the hood so she could take care of it.
I turned on the car and started driving. It was magic! the noise was gone and it was a lot easier to drive my car. I can't believe how simple the solution was. I can't believe I spent so many days driving it like that, getting worried, frustrated, sad, because I didn't have the money to fix something that only required a $5 bottle of steering oil. Can you believe that?
Fear makes things look so much bigger than what they really are. I'm so done with it! That's why I'm so determined to break free from it. I'm on my way...and not alone :)
Thank you Mom, for finding the problem. Thank you God, for the $5 dollar solution and the lesson that came with it.
i'm glad you got it fixed. don't do life alone. it's ok to ask for help. we all need some help somtimes.
wow thats awesome...if you ever have a question about something in your car you can ask my brother or you can ask me...we know alot about cars and basically everything about, so we can tell you whats wrong, how much it should cost, and even a good mechanic who isnt going to charge you an arm and a leg.
Thanks Kevis! I'll take u up on that :)
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