The what? You must already know, specially if you read my blog about my many fears. Yeap...swallowing pills.
Here's the why: When I was about 7 or 8, I choked on a marble ball. Why did I have it in my mouth? That's besides the point. It was horrible, I could not breathe, but my uncle found me, put me upside down and hit me on my back until the thing came out. Was that the right method? That's besides the point. Years later (not quite sure how many), I chocked on a nasty, huge, brown capsule, which I can't even remember what it was or what it was for...maybe some type of funky vitamin. Then, when I was about 14 or 15, I choked on a Halls candy, the cherry flavor one. Many other times I tried the capsule and pill thing, but my throat just seemed to close as soon as I would place it in my mouth, so, many times, I choked again...and again. This, until I decided that I was done with these near death experiences and chose to chew my pills instead. If they where capsules, I would open them, empty the powder thing into a small cup and add juice or honey and then drink or eat it, that was if whatever I needed to take did not come in liquid form...which would always be one of my questions. Never have I enjoyed nor craved a mouth full of Advil or antibiotic, but the fear of choking again was worse to me.
The breakthrough? I thought you'd never ask! I have swallowed two antibiotic capsules today and will swallow the third at 11:45pm tonight! The first time was this morning. I asked my Mom to stand next to, in case I choked, but I didn't. The second time I did it, I did not call her, I did it by myself.
You see, this might sound ridiculous to you, even maybe kind of stupid. But to me, it's a reason to celebrate, because it means that I can, with God's help, conquer my fears. I will still get nervous as I swallow, but the more I do it, the more comfortable I will feel. I know that the list is long, as you probably read, but poquito a poco (little by little) every single one of those will be conquered...and I'll make sure you all know, so you can all help me celebrate my freedom.
Congratulation to you! We can do all things through God who strengthens us! How awesome is that!
Very proud of you. The 1st step was the willingness to try and you did it! Awesome Breakthrough. I am very happy for you. Many more breakthrough's to come, and you can overcome the all. One hill at a time. Poquito Hill at a time.
way to go Priscilla! Sharon and i are pumped for this breakthrough! Poquito poco! Is that the right way to say it???
Proud of u girl =)
left you a Butterfly world ticket on your desk for your NEXT breakthru!
Ivette, Ricky, Distefanos: Thank you so much for celebrating with me. More breakthroughs will come!
Lili: Thanks my friend, for the nice detail. You coming with me?
God bless your voice...There is one song you sang at the Christmas service, "People are Crying" wow, it was just beautiful. Who is the original singer, I'd like to purchase that song. And congrats on your breakthrough...
Anonymous - If I am correct, the song might be "don't save it all for Christmas", by Celine Dion. Let me know if that's the one. I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Yes, that is the song. Thank you.
lets go!! we can take the kids on the adventure =)
I'm happy for you. I think you turned the corner when you trusted the Lord--that caused you to relax, and by relaxing, you were able to swallow! (Just call me Dr. Sal.)
Congrats! That deserves a ribbon or something....do they make ribbons for that? =o
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