Man, talk about God's perfect timing. Today, I woke up nervous, intimidated, not capable and the list goes on. On March 11Th, a week from today, my sisters and I (Promissa) will be traveling to Ecuador. We will be performing at an event (not Christian) where thousands meet every year to celebrate music. This is Promissa's first time on tour out of the Country, first time in Ecuador, this is our biggest event ever, this is SCARY. I mean, it just feels so BIG and we're so small. I want to run and jump in bed in between my Mom and Dad, as I used to when I was little. I wondered, "God, can we do this? I know you have called us, but I'm scared...I feel like I have nothing to give. Today, I really feel like there's nothing in me to give".
Then I check my e-mail and find that my group leader from The Loft had sent me this:
by Charles R. Swindoll
Exodus 3:4--22Moses had been resistant for forty years, telling himself all that time that his was a lost cause. Now, when God came with a direct, simple call, the old shepherd couldn't handle it. In fact, he wouldn't let himself believe he might still be useful to God. "Therefore, come now, and I will send you to Pharaoh, so that you may bring My people, the sons of Israel, out of Egypt" (Exodus 3:10).
Now that wasn't complicated, was it? The Lord spoke in a tongue Moses could understand. He gave him a simple, two-fold command. First, He said to Moses, "I will send you." And second, "You will bring My people out." That was the plan.
Notice, please, that this was not a multiple choice arrangement. It wasn't even an invitation. It was a call. God does not speak and ask our advice regarding His plan. God makes declarations. He doesn't open up the scene for a rap session or a dialogue. He doesn't call in a blue-ribbon panel of consultants to suggest viable options. He speaks, and that is that.
At very unique junctures of our lives, God says to us, "Now, My child, I have this in mind for you. I know that you have knotted things up in the past. And I know that you may knot things up in the future. But as far as today, right now, this is My plan for you. Now go. I'm sending you, and I will be with you."
God told him that he would be an instrument in the deliverance, but God Himself would be the deliverer. Huge difference. In God's calling, He has a plan; but He never expects you to carry out that plan. He's going to pull it off. He simply wants you to be the instrument of action. After all, it is His reputation that's at stake, not yours. All He asks is that you give yourself to Him as a tool He can pick up and use. That's all.
I guess you guys would agree with me when I say GOD ROCKS!!!! I don't need to have a plan, because He's got things under control. He's sending me, He's sending Promissa. We'll just go... He will do His magic.